Are Dental Implants Right For You?

In today’s focus on dentistry, let’s talk about dental implants and whether or not they’re appropriate for you. Hi, I’m Dr. Paul Henny and let’s spend a few minutes talking about kind of a new area in dentistry, at least since I went to dental school, the topic of...

Pain-Free, Affordable Dentistry

In today’s focus on dentistry, let’s talk about the possibility that dentistry for you could be positive, pain-free, and affordable. Hi, I’m Dr. Paul Henny and let’s spend a few minutes talking about the relationship you have with your dentist and whether it’s...

How Porcelain Veneers Can Improve Your Smile

Are your teeth worn or chipped or disfigured that you’re no longer happy with the way your smile works? In today’s focus on dentistry, let’s talk about how porcelain veneers can be used to improve all of that and give you the smile you’ve always wanted. Hi, I’m Dr....

Why Use All Porcelain Dentistry with No Metal?

In today’s focus on dentistry let’s talk about metal free dentistry, all porcelain dentistry that has no metal in it. Is that something that would work for you? Hi, I’m Dr. Paul Henny, and let’s spend a few minutes talking about kind of a new topic in dentistry, a...

Are Silver Fillings Harming Your Health?

In today’s focus on dentistry, let’s talk about silver fillings. Are they harming your health? Let’s talk about it. Hi, I’m Dr. Paul Henny and let’s spend a few minutes talking about the issue of silver fillings or what are commonly known in the profession of...